Sunday, 3 August 2014

Overnight Oatmeal - 1st try?

Ok, forget bout the soap first, recently have no time to complete my soap task at all. *Sigh*
As a mom, it's really hard to have time in such long holidays ~ 
Yet, i miss my blog! @@"

Come on, let's talk bout the oatmeal, i have seen many of friends, blogger is doing this! I have seduced by the nice deco of oatmeal made by a sis, every morning, different style!
Therefore, viewed youtube for receipe and its too many to choose! *Glad* 
Try to buy those ingredients in supermarket but then barely choice, 
at last i get myself:
Kiwis, apples, BIG raisin and walnut!
Oh, don't forget your milk, oat and honey ~

1. Pour in some oat. (I put 5 tablespoons)

2. Put in some honey. I preferred honey compare to others sweetener~

3. Pour in milk, as much as you like.  

5. Mix them well with fruits and nuts.

Here is the result: 

Put in fridge then you could serve it on the next morning. Suggested 6-8 hours.
Taste super good surprisingly.
Plus - high calcium, high protein, high fiber + low calories !!!  
Definitely super healthy meal ~
Hope you like it. ^^ 

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